Nov 22, 2008

Stuck in Puerto Rico

Our flight from Miami got delayed and so we missed our last flight into Guadeloupe. It was one of those movie moments where we are sprinting and sweating and praying that the gate wasn't closed....we didn't make it AA put us up in the airport hotel gave on some food vouchers and put us on the plane for the following afternoon. I was angry at first and then remembered there was no point in getting all stressed with it because there was nothing we could do....and heck it wasn't so bad being stuck on a Carribean island. So Daniel and I woke up this morning morning ate some continental breakfast and then went for a run in search of a beach... after some running on the freeway, some hoping fences etc we found the beaches and alked along the beach and eventually ran in and went swimming... I love beaches with warm water! We eventually ran back all salty and sandy and now are getting ready to board yet some more planes....hopefully tonight we will find ourselves in Guadeloupe and start racing tomorrow!

live, love, laugh,...DREAM!


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